martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

Roger Waters Perfect sense Parte 1 y 2 Subtitulado en español

Esta rola es vieja, y las noticias siguen siendo iguales (ISIS asesinando rehenes). El mono está confundido.

...And the Germans killed the Jews
And the Jews killed the Arabs
And the Arabs killed the hostages
And that is the news...

...And is it any wonder
That the monkey's confused

La conversación como si fuera una narración de deportes dice:

Marv: Hi everybody I'm Marv Albert And welcome to our telecast. Coming to you live from Memorial Stadium. It's a beautiful day. And today we except a sensational matchup. But first our global anthem...

Marv: ...And here come the players! As I speak to you now the captain has he cross hairs zeroed on the oil rig. It looks to me like he's going to attack! By the way, did you know that a submarine captain earns 200,000 dollars a year?

Emery: Oh that's less tax Marv less tax

Marv: Uh thank you Emery

Emery: you're welcome

Marv: Now back to the game he fires one! yes! there goes two! both fish are running! The rig is going into a prevent defense, will they make it?, i don't think so! Look out! Look at that baby burn!

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